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Our Story

The Beginning

     In 1974, two education officers were sent by the Education Department, Sabah to attend the kindergarten teacher’s training course organized by Persatuan Tadika Malaysia under the tutelage of Sr. Dennis of Assunta Convent, Petaling Jaya.  On their return, they organized a one-week workshop for all head teachers of kindergartens in and around Kota Kinabalu as well as all over Sabah.  The aim of the workshop was to disseminate the policy of the Ministry of Education to all the kindergartens so that they underwent the proper procedure of registering their schools as well as their teachers. 


     Besides conducting the workshop.  Pn Aminah Musaly initiated an association for all kindergarten teachers by forming the protem committee comprising of 7 members for Persatuan Guru-Guru Tadika Sabah. (Ku Yuan Jo, Adeline Law, Rose Chin, Bernadette Lo, Daphne Augustine, Chew Nyet Fah, Alice Ho, Helen Laurentius, Nancy Ng).  The protem chairman was June Liew.  With the help of a prominent government lawyer( later a judge), June managed to complete the consititution and submitted it to the Registrar of Society in March 1975.  In July 1975 Persatuan Guru-Guru Tadika Sabah was registered with June Liew as the 1st chairperson.   However due to poor response from the kindergarten teachers, PGGTS was dormant from 1974 to 1979.  Sr. Denise, the founding chairperson of PTM, from the Assunta Convent, Petaling Jaya advised June to activate it.


     In April 1980 an election took place with June as the chairperson.  In 1982 the new committee comprising of 10 office bearers organized the first training course for the kindergarten teachers throughout Sabah.  Lecturers were acquired through Persatuan Tadika Malaysia.  Certificates were awarded to the participants by Persatuan Tadika Malaysia.  From then on training courses were organised yearly.  Persatuan Guru-Guru Tadika Sabah was short-lived as it was deregistered by ROS in 1987 as no proper reports were submitted to ROS since its inception.  June Liew with Chew Nyet Fah drew up the proper reports and submitted them to ROS in November 1987. 


     Hence, Persatuan Tadika Sabah was formed and registered on 9th November 1989.  The 1st AGM of  Persatuan Tadika Sabah was held on 8th April 1990 with June Liew as the first chairperson again. 

PTS Executive Committee (2023 - 2025)


Standing (L to R) : Prisca, Patty, Lily, Erna, Azalene, Clare, Sharon, Aronie

Sitting (L to R) : Agnes, Lee Pick Yuen, Evelyn, Sonia, Audrey

PRESIDENT          : Evelyn Wong


SECRETARY         : Audrey Phang

ASST SEC            : Erna Susantie

TREASURER        : Lee Pick Yuen 


Agnes Chin

Prisca Pius

Patty Pang

Lily Liew

Clare Lung

Azalene Quadra

Sharon Peter

Aronie Liau

©2022 by Persatuan Tadika Sabah

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